/ 2022 poetry prize / LONGLIST / winner



2022 winner

Chameleon Sky by SARAH KOHRS

Sarah E N Kohrs is an artist and writer with over 85 publications in literary journals, including poetry in Claudius Speaks, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Cumberland River, Elevation Review, From the Depths, Poetry from the Valley of Virginia, Rattle, Raven Chronicles, Virginia Literary Journal, Watershed Review, West Trade Review, Wild Roof Journal, and, the winnow. Her poem, “When All the World,” was the 2021 recipient of Poetry Society of Virginia's Ekphrastic Poetry Award. Sarah has a BA in Classical Languages and Archaeology from College of Wooster, Ohio, and a Virginia teaching license endorsed in Latin and Visual Arts. Life experiences that bolster her art include homeschooling, creating pottery for local Empty Bowl suppers, volunteering as an Extension Office master gardener and for the Open Door Food Pantry, and serving as a board member of Valley Educational Center for the Creative Arts (VECCA). http://senkohrs.com.

2022 longlist

We are pleased to announce that the following chapbooks have been longlisted for the Kingdoms in the Wild Annual Poetry Prize.

Mouth Art of the Bald-Faced Hornet by BETSY BOLTON
Like Any Girl by DESPY BOUTRIS
Chameleon Sky by SARAH KOHRS
Where I Came From by SUSAN L. LIN
In Lies Lie Beliefs by BRUCE ROBINSON
The Last Anger of Man by JONATHAN UKAH
Object Permanence by JAMIE ZIPFEL


The winner will be announced on August 2nd, 2022.    

the poets

Mouth Art of the Bald-Faced Hornet by BETSY BOLTON

Betsy Bolton’s recent work has appeared in The Hopper: Environmental Lit. Poetry. Art, and the New Croton Review. She teaches at Swarthmore College, on Lenape land, at the edge of the Piedmont and the coastal plain. Her poems are in conversation with the Crum woods, their crooked creek, and the communities embedded and fostered there. You can see more about Betsy and her work at https://betsydotgallery.wordpress.com.

Like Any Girl by DESPY BOUTRIS

Despy Boutris's work has been published in Copper Nickel, Ploughshares, Crazyhorse, AGNI, American Poetry Review, Gettysburg Review, and elsewhere. Currently, she lives in California and serves as Editor-in-Chief of The West Review.


Alexander Etheridge has been developing his poems and translations since 1998.  His poems have been featured in Scissors and Spackle, Ink Sac, Cerasus Journal, The Cafe Review, The Madrigal, Abridged Magazine, Susurrus Magazine, The Journal, Roi Faineant Press, and many others.  He was the winner of the Struck Match Poetry Prize in 1999.

Chameleon Sky by SARAH KOHRS

Sarah E N Kohrs is an artist and writer with over 85 publications in literary journals, including poetry in Claudius Speaks, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, Cumberland River, Elevation Review, From the Depths, Poetry from the Valley of Virginia, Rattle, Raven Chronicles, Virginia Literary Journal, Watershed Review, West Trade Review, Wild Roof Journal, and, the winnow. Her poem, “When All the World,” was the 2021 recipient of Poetry Society of Virginia's Ekphrastic Poetry Award. Sarah has a BA in Classical Languages and Archaeology from College of Wooster, Ohio, and a Virginia teaching license endorsed in Latin and Visual Arts. Life experiences that bolster her art include homeschooling, creating pottery for local Empty Bowl suppers, volunteering as an Extension Office master gardener and for the Open Door Food Pantry, and serving as a board member of Valley Educational Center for the Creative Arts (VECCA). http://senkohrs.com.

Where I Came From by SUSAN L. LIN

Susan L. Lin is a Taiwanese American storyteller who hails from southeast Texas and holds an MFA in Writing from California College of the Arts. Her novella Goodby to the Ocean won the 2022 Etchings Press novella prize and is now available to purchase at https://susanllin.wordpress.com, where you can also find more of her published work. She occasionally posts on Twitter @SusanLLin and on Instagram @susanlinosaur.


Katherine Quevedo was born and raised just outside of Portland, Oregon, where she works as an analyst and lives with her husband and two sons. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Rhysling Award and received an honorable mention in the Helen Schaible International Sonnet Contest. Her poems have appeared in Kingdoms in the Wild, Coffin Bell, Eye to the Telescope, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Honeyguide Literary Magazine, NonBinary Review, Songs of Eretz Poetry Review, Seaborne Magazine, Pilgrimage, The Curator Magazine, The Rail, Sidequest, and elsewhere. Her speculative fiction has appeared in various anthologies, magazines, and podcasts. She holds degrees in English and Economics from Santa Clara University, and she earned her MBA from Portland State University. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing old-school video games, watching movies, singing, belly dancing, and making spreadsheets. Find her at www.katherinequevedo.com.

In Lies Lie Beliefs by BRUCE ROBINSON

Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, Spoon River, Tipton Poetry Journal, Rattle, Maintenant, and Pangyrus, as well as in other journals.

The Last Anger of Man by JONATHAN UKAH

Jonathan Ukah is a graduate of English from the University of Nigeria, and Law from the Humboldt University, Berlin. He lives in London with his family from where he writes poetry and prose. His poems have appeared and will soon appear in the Sparrows Trombone, the Discretionary Love magazine, State of Matter Magazine, the Poet Magazine, Fresh words International Literary Magazine, the Journal of Undiscovered Poets, Sweetycat Press, the department of English, the Ohio State University anthology, titled, Dwelling During the Pandemic, etc. He is also to be found at Jonathan Ukah@facebook.com, Johnking1502@twitter.com,

Object Permanence by JAMIE ZIPFEL

Jamie is drawn to the deltas--the in-between places where the sacred mixes with the everyday. Her voice is sometimes academic and sometimes down-home folksy, sometimes leaning on meandering lyricism and sometimes on aching clarity, but it never lets anyone off the hook. Her nonfiction and poetry focus on places and people that are at their most beautiful when they are complicated. This style betrays her own background as an in-betweener, a Midwestern transplant in the Middle East, a teacher and a student. She holds a B.A. in Creative Writing and a B.S. in Communication from Ohio University, and a Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology is forthcoming from Harvard University. She teaches academic writing at NYU Abu Dhabi, where she also co-hosts a weekly writer’s roundtable. Recent published work can be found in The Splint and Poems for the Ride. Even more of her work is featured on Medium and at AbuDhabiWritersCafe.com.





2021 / no winner chosen