MARCH 7TH 2022
APRIL 17TH 2022
Winner will receive $250 & Publication of winning chapbook by Kingdoms in the Wild & 5 complimentary physical copies mailed to the author as well as the option to choose a single complimentary title from our existing catalog. Kingdoms in the Wild will also promote the winning chapbook to all our readers across our various platforms and will work to provide copies to reviewers and poet enthusiasts.
We are looking for emerging writers who have yet to publish a collection of poetry (not including self-published chapbooks)
Submit a manuscript featuring 15 to 30 poems in standard .doc / docx or pdf document
A majority of the poems should be unpublished, but individual poems can be previously published (if applicable: tell us where and when the poem was published)
One winner will be selected from submissions received during the reading period
All submissions must be emailed to Kingdomsinthewild@gmail.com by Midnight PT on APRIL 17th 2022
Kingdoms in the Wild team will select the winning manuscript
Winner will be announced SUMMER 2022 (approx. 6 - 12 weeks after the end of the reading period)
Poems should be in English
Include a short description of the work in the body of the email submission
Please have the collection title on the first page
Each new poem should appear on a separate page
Author name, biography, acknowledgements and other information should appear at the end of the document.
Please do not include any images or graphics in or with your work.
Send your work to Kingdomsinthewild[@]gmail.com Subject: 2022 Poetry Prize
Your submission should include your contact information: Your mailing address, your phone number and your email address as well as links to social media or blogs / websites
Due to the current global crisis, we ask you to please make sure that you are able to receive your prize money via Paypal in the event that you win.
Any submissions received outside the reading period will be unread unless extension is authorized by the editors at Kingdoms in the Wild before the end of the reading period
Please submit only one manuscript for consideration to the Kingdoms in the Wild Poetry Prize
We accept simultaneous submissions but please withdraw your work immediately if it is accepted elsewhere
We reserve the right to not select a winner for any given year of the competition